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Contact Véronique Papineau, Senior Development Officer, Major Gifts and Planned Giving | Academic and Scientific Research Funds (514) 345-4931

Frequently asked questions

Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?

When you donate to an Academic or Scientific Research Fund, you will receive a consolidated annual receipt by the end of February of the following year.   

If you do not want to receive a consolidated receipt, or if you want to update your mailing address or email address, please call us at 514-345-4710 (toll-free: 1-888-235-3667), or email us at   

Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for a non-refundable tax credit equivalent to up to 50% of your contribution amount. For more information, visit the Canada Revenue Agency website. 

How do donations to the Academic and Scientific Research Funds work?

The Academic and Scientific Research Funds are made up of donations collected from doctors at the university hospital centre, philanthropic partners, and members of the community. Each fund is associated with a specific department or service.   
You can also contribute to the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s general matching-fund scholarship program, which allows us to supplement the disbursements certain fellows receive from Academic Funds for subspecialty training.  

A portion, or even all, of certain Funds are capitalized, that is, invested in perpetuity. The invested donations generate an annual investment income, enabling us to make an ongoing contribution to the education and knowledge advancement missions of an ever-growing number of CHU Sainte-Justine departments and services.   

What do the Academic and Scientific Research Funds enable?

The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s Academic Funds and matching-fund scholarships enable Sainte-Justine’s best and brightest minds to complete their subspecialty training at prestigious institutions abroad. They also give rising stars in pediatrics from around the world the opportunity to share their expertise with the teams here at home, as well as hone their skills at the bedside of patients in Quebec, which contributes to Sainte-Justine’s mission of excellence and enhances its international reputation. 

The Scientific Research Funds directly support research in the department or unit with which they are associated, thus fostering innovation in health care. They also have a significant leverage effect in obtaining additional public and private funding. 

What is the Merci au Savoir event?

This festive event is organized jointly by the Foundation and the CHU Sainte-Justine Direction de l’enseignement. It highlights the extraordinary generosity of the entire community of donors who contribute to the Academic Funds. This is also the occasion on which the prix de la Direction de l’enseignement—the learning centre award—is presented. 

Can’t find the answer to your question?Contact us or visit the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation FAQ page